
Get ChartPrime
for FREE

That's right, 100% free!

We’ve partnered with BloFin to offer you free ChartPrime Subscriptions just by making a few trades on their platform (no KYC required). Here's how:

Step 1

Step 2

Join BloFin using our affiliate link
(no KYC required)

Step 3

Visit the dashboard and enter your BloFin user ID and ChartPrime email

Now, trade!

Deposit $50 USDT or more into your BloFin account and start trading to get ChartPrime for FREE and USDT.

How does it work?

Simply trade in your BloFin account to earn tokens as you reach the targets below.
You can then trade these tokens for ChartPrime Subscriptions or USDT.

*Trade count is a rough estimate assuming an initial capital of $1,000 and 20x leverage*

Use tokens to get ChartPrime Plus:

Or trade them for USDT

(Tokens are worth more when traded for a ChartPrime Subscription)

Any questions?

We're here to help.